Friday, December 5, 2014

It’s Thyme!

I believe I’ve mentioned how much I love my naturopath at Bastyr, Dr. Leanna Standish. She is so super cool and looks just like an old hippy naturopath should look (I’m sure we are the same age…I use old as a term of endearment here). One reason I like her is that she consistently mentions something about the future in a positive way. She’ll say, “When this is over…” or “When you are all done with cancer…” Every time I’ve seen her this has been just a normal part of her conversation. And because my gut has healed and my tumors are shrinking she called me a healer (meaning my body knows how to heal). I just felt more powerful hearing that. I am shockingly aware of how much those simple phrases lift me up. 
She has a powerful positive healing energy and I need that.

Dr. Standish is a naturopath who works in oncology. She does research and she is well aware of the poison I am putting into my body. She does not try to talk me out of the poison, she is boosting my systems and working to heal me throughout the course of treatment. Food, herbs, essential oils are among her tools. These are tools I’m familiar with. These are the things I want to do and I’ve certainly done them in the past B.C. and I do not know how to use them up against this poison in my body.

In fighting this cold I pulled out all my usually remedies and it just seemed futile. Sure, here is some elderberry tincture along with some homeopathic little white pellets…good luck in there with the epirubicin and oxilaplatin!!! I felt like I was spitting into the wind. I needed guidance and I found it!

Thyme oil…who knew? Not me! Thyme oil is an anti microbial (among other magical things) and Dr. Standish says this is the oil to reach for the minute you feel a cold coming on. If you have a diffuser (like I do thanks to my sister Kathy!!) drop some oil in there. Or take a bath with some thyme oil. Or take a wash cloth and get it wet with hot water, drop a few drops and inhale. Or you can be like me and do all of the above! Other good oils to add include eucalyptus, lavender and frankincense. 

Monday I started to feel this cold coming on. Tuesday I got wiped out and got no sleep Tuesday night. Wednesday I was a basket case and took measures (or you can call them drugs) to make sure I slept. Thursday I was actually feeling better and had enough energy for the trip to Bastyr and a few errands. I came home and thymed myself out, and today…it’s a miracle! My sinuses are almost completely cleared and my cough is easing. I am on the mend.  Thyme oil, people! Go get some, now!!

Pizza and Books
Has anyone been to Delancey in Ballard? I’ve been there just a couple of times and it is fabulous. I don’t know how to compare it to Serious Pie because it’s been too long since I’ve been to Delancey, but I have plans to return in the near future. 

Delancey is a pizzeria owned by a couple, Molly and Brandon. Molly is also a writer. She writes a fabulous food blog, Orangette and has published two books. Her first is titled A Homemade Life. It is a memoir with short  chapters involving her memories of food and her dad. At the end of each chapter is a recipe. Her nearly flourless chocolate cake in this book (also on her blog) is my go to cake recipe. Easy and oh so delicious!

Her latest book is titled Delancey and it is about how their pizzeria came to be. Brandon is from New Jersey and grew up on New York pizza. She writes in great detail about all his favorite pizzerias. He is also a bit of an OCD perfectionist so now every night I am reading about how many different places they tried pizza, how many different ways they tried making dough and sauce and cheese. It’s killing me! So yesterday after Bastyr, Mike and I decided to go to Whole Foods for some groceries and lunch. I felt a little like celebrating and I said “If they have pizza that is what I’m getting!” And I did…I love pizza. It was no Serious Pie, I’m sure Delancy has much better pizza, but it was pizza! I have had no gluten since Thanksgiving (and the day after) but decided that I don’t want my body to forget how to digest gluten. It needs to practice at least once a week. That makes sense, right? Well it does in my old lady hippy head!

Another shout out to Kathy...She sent me the diffuser, it is running with thyme oil and healing me as we speak, she also bought me my copy of  A Homemade Life years ago when we were in an airport together and she sent me her copy of Delancey. She is is a huge Molly Wizenberg fan and goes to Delancey when ever she visits Seattle. Thanks, sis!

Happy Friday everyone! 
Be here now, be here.
love and light to you all


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Janet, we have been thinking about you and are so happy to hear that things are moving in the right direction!! May you have a wonderful and restorative holiday season. xoxoxo Amy Jim Connor & Shea
