Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Yesterday was a long day! But, I’ve got the chemo back in there doing it’s work. There is no word on when the scan might be so we just have to make up our own visualizations of what cancer is there and how it’s being wiped out. Yesterday we picked up a copy of the latest scan they did while in the hospital. The focus of that scan was on what was causing the D. not so much on the cancer. It did say the pancreas was unremarkable which makes me think that cancer is gone completely. But I don’t really know for sure. I still think that I have never been sick from the cancer itself…just the original internal bleeding and then the side effects of the chemo.

So, much of my regimen stays the same: the same infusion once every three weeks (you cannot have it more frequently, even if you are not taking oral chemo in between), Pantaprozole for my stomach 2x a day, B6, Iron, steroids for the first 3 days following chemo, Glutamine 2x a day, and when I asked him about the turkey tail mushrooms prescribed by my naturopath, he said to take them but he couldn’t tell me how many…a handful, a bushel, a basket??? He is a funny man! I’ll take what Dr. Standish told me to take. Then I have an appointment with her later this month.

Side effects so far are the predictable reaction to touching cold with my fingers or toes. I have 4 kinds of gloves I use for different situations and lots of cozy socks with my slippers. So, I am well taken care of for this set of side effects! I am vigilant watching out for any other side effects that might come my way and I have Dr. Kaplan on speed dial. I’ll not be sucking it up, playing martyr or waiting around this time! I learned my lesson the hard way!

Mike and I talked with the dietician during our chemo appointment and she is moving me up to 5 grams a day of soluble fiber…baby steps! This means once a day I could have 5 grams of gluten free oatmeal,  or 5 grams of legumes (though I must say the legumes make me a little nervous…might wait a bit longer for that). I can have ground flax or chia seeds. Since I’m staying away from wheat and gluten that is really about it. Watch out gluten free oatmeal with a little ground flax…here I come!!

The dietician, Mary, said that it would take 1-2 months to be back on track. After what I went through I am very patient, there is no hurry!

Over the weekend, when Kathy was here we tried to have a pizza oven dinner but it never worked out. Betty had made the dough and we had acquired the ingredients, but it just didn’t work out (next time Kathy, and a good reason to make it sooner, not later!!). Anyway, last night the troops rallied to make pizza. Lizzy and June made the sauce, I held the baby, they made me a yukon gold pizza oven roasted “pizza” with oil, salt and some manchego cheese…it was yum! I don’t think I got off the couch once and there was a flurry in and out and a good time was had by all! A good way to end a chemo day.

I have to add that at the end of the night Mike and Maggie and I were watching a tonight show and I was looking through a random box of photos looking for a picture to post for Kathy’s birthday yesterday. I found this little flip book of mostly Michael’s baby pictures and there is one from our PEPS group where we lined up 8 babies on a couch, mostly just scrunched up, not really strong enough to sit on there own. And our little Michael had such a big head that Maggie was weeping through her tears. She made me laugh so hard! And that my friends is the best way to end a chemo day! Sorry Michael, that it was at your cute little baby picture expense…it is hilarious! 

I’m taking it easy today. This blog is my biggest task and now I’m done. I’m going to finish that book today for sure!

love to you all
stay healthy!



  1. Know that you are surrounded by prayers of healing!!!! Glad to hear the good news. Hugs.

  2. Laughter is a wonderful medicine and our kids the dispensers. Gods bless Michael's big head and Maggie's contagious giggles.
