Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Seduced by grilled cheese...
And damn, I have to talk about poo again...

I know that wheat bloats me and as I was able to reintroduce food I had said to myself, I'll just lay off wheat! No brainier! Then yesterday, gray, rainy, 3 week anniversary of my hospital admit date...well let's just say I lost my mind and ordered grilled cheese. Here's what the menu says "comforting grilled cheese...cheddar cheese on white bread grilled to golden melted perfection."  How could I resist?? And white bread isn't really wheat...right? Damn....

All afternoon, evening and night I was bloaty and gassy then my poo just kept getting a little less formed, not all the way back to the  D word, but not good. So today is a do over for yesterday. I hope I didn't move my exit date but my guess is it won't be tomorrow, so hopefully Thursday, and if it is Friday, well so be it. I have to be a patient patient!

So here I am, taking it easy on my gut, rebuilding and healing.
I am getting some exercise in though nearly everyday, walking laps around the floor, working on a spin bike at the end of my hall, doing some of my Pilates and some of my PT work with bands. I turned to jello those first 2 weeks and I have to build some muscle back!

Headed home soon...I'll keep you posted! Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure its irrational, but I feel mad at the hospital for waving the seductive grilled cheese under your nose. Ugh, I hope with all my heart that this is a very temporary and minor tangent on your otherwise stellar recovery. Hugs.
