Sunday, September 28, 2014

Good Sunday morning!
Lots of progress here, I'm so happy to report!
I've had no "D" since Thursday and on Friday I had a small actual formed piece of poo!! So sorry to have to give you poo details...but that is really what it has come down to!
Dr. Goodman is the doc of the weekend, yesterday he put me on clear liquids, I said I was too scared, but he said to go for it. So yesterday I had 4 bowls of broth and a number of gummy bears!
This morning he came in again and upped me to full liquid. This adds milk products, which I'm going to avoid for now, but I can try yogurt again. I'm going to have cream of rice for breakfast and tomato soup for lunch because I do need to advance my diet to get out of here! So, wish me luck that the food goes in and does what food is supposed to do! Handling food intake and output correctly is my ticket out of here!

I had such a great day yesterday with so many visitors!! Oh my, it felt a little like one of our old parties where so many different parts of our lives come together! Thank you all for making my day! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts, positive energy and love! It's working!! Love to you all!


  1. WOOHOO! light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Keep on getting better.

  2. Great news!! Cheers to firm poo!!!

  3. Hi Janet, so glad to hear you're feeling better!! My thoughts and love are still with you, although I'm now teaching at TOPS! I really miss Pathfinder, and I must say, the people at Pathfinder are way more cool and fun than at TOPS! I'm still attached in spirit, and just want you to know i'm still sending healing thoughts and love your way!! Oh, one of my new students at TOPS was in your class at Pathfinder when she was in kindergarten, her name is Emma (Scanlon I think), and she wanted to say HI too!! XOXOXOXO from alumni..... including!!!

  4. I've never been so pleased to hear about a bit of poo! Hurrah!
