Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Post Op

Hi everyone!

It's Maggie again (but don't worry!) The procedure took a bit longer than anticipated yesterday because things were backed up, but everything went smoothly. They went in twice, with two needles, and the doctor thinks he got it! We won't know for sure until they do another scan in 3-6 months, but we're feeling positive.

 They got back from the hospital around 9:00 last night and she taking it easy on the couch today.  Home safe and taking the time to recover.

Thanks for your continued support and we hope to see you all Friday!



  1. Woo-Hoo! Here is to a peaceful and restful few days and yes, looking forward to seeing you all Friday!

  2. Awesome. Give her big hugs and kisses from the Gilroy in Colorado!!! Love you guys!

  3. Awesome. Give her big hugs and kisses from the Gilroy in Colorado!!! Love you guys!

  4. Awesome. Give her big hugs and kisses from the Gilroy in Colorado!!! Love you guys!

  5. Yay! Great news! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest this week. We are looking forward to Friday!

  6. healing, healing, healing and big hugs
