Wednesday, July 22, 2015

There are more Ireland pictures to come (whether you want to see them or not!) but in the meantime…a health update.

The short story…
The spot on the liver is “just a hair bigger” than it was the last time. This is so shocking to us as it is the first time the cancer has grown. I do realize how lucky I am to be able to say that…every other time it has been smaller. And, it is still just a small bit of cancer left.

But there is another issue that has to be dealt with first. Since arriving back from Ireland I’ve been experiencing a rapid heart rate and a pretty extreme shortness of breath. I emailed the doc over the weekend and went in to see him on Monday. He added some extra views into the scan order for today. I just talked to him and I have fluid on my lungs and the problem is coming from my heart. I don’t completely understand that statement at this point…but that is what he said. He is pretty sure that it was caused by the epirubicin, though he stayed within the dosage guidelines. I know that every “body” is different and maybe mine is just more sensitive to that chemo.

Mike is heading to Walgreens in a minute to get me a couple of prescriptions; one is a diuretic that will keep me up peeing all night. In the morning, I will go see the doc. I will have to see a heart doctor next. Dr. Kaplan will hook me up with a good one, I’m sure. If the prescriptions don’t act fast enough I may have to be admitted to the hospital. I’m certainly hoping to take care of this as an outpatient.

I’ll leave it at that and keep you updated as we know what is going on.

This is not what I was hoping to write tonight…but there it is.
Lots of love to you all
