Thursday, May 21, 2015

Recovering from chemo

As chemo treatments go this one was not so bad. I had it late in the day, 3:00 check in, which I did not think I would like but there were some definite upsides. I got to work out in the morning, I ran lots of little errands, even walked the doggies (we’re watching Gertie for a few days). 
Since it was Mike’s birthday I picked up extra goodies for our “picnic dinner”. I got Mike a yummy husky deli sandwich, I got my favorite tuna croissant at Bakery Nouveau along with a couple of goodies worthy of a birthday celebration.

We got to see the good doctor before chemo and I asked him to explain the scan results a little more to me as it was difficult for me to compare the PET scan results from March to the CT scan results of May. The bottom line…there is one more spot on my liver…that is all…and it is less than 1/5 of an inch. I was like…can’t I just get in there and pick that thing off!!!! Come on! Less than 1/5 of an inch is not very big!!!! So again, I have hopes up that these last 2 chemos will do the trick, but I have to protect myself from such high hopes…its a tight rope to walk, stretched between hope and reality!

After the doc we head down to chemo. We had excellent nurses that were just the right amount of chatty and engaging for me. And we literally were the last patients on the floor that night. I think we got out of there around 8:00. The upside of that is that chemo evenings are never that pleasant, so it was short and sweet and right to bed.

I took my good advice and laid very low yesterday. I watched Little Miss Sunshine (love that movie!). I watched the latest episode of Call the Midwife (last of the season I think). I watched one or two (maybe 1 1/2) episodes of Mad Men. I know I told myself I could watch them all…but that is not going to happen. I’m already itching to get back to that todo list that I blasted so vehemently in a previous post. I can’t help it…I am who I am…I’m a todo list maker and doer…I can’t help myself. I’ll just be doing the easy things today mixed with a little screen time for sure!

It’s a gorgeous day. I do have a few plants to get into pots (One of the errands was to West Seattle Nursery and got some tomatoes from PCC). I need to do that before it gets too warm out on the deck. What a lovely thought for mid May!

Just a few upcoming events…reminder if you want to do the shore walk/run we are team Stomp Out Cancer and here is the link:

This year the Make-a-Wish run is on Friday June 29 at 8:45 a.m. at Pathfinder....Oops...May 29th is the Make a Wish run!
Many of you are familiar with Lou’s Make-a-Wish Run. I think I my have mentioned it in this blog before, but here it is again. Lou, our fabulous PE teacher at Pathfinder, every year around his birthday, has been celebrating his good health by sponsoring a fundraiser for the Make-a-Wish foundation. Each year he makes the run one lap longer to match his age. The entire school is involved and it is a Pathfinder event not to be missed! Lou is active in the Make-a-Wish organization all year long, but this is his big fundraiser. He is collecting donations, if you are interested you can drop or send checks to school made out to Make-A-Wish Foundation. Or you can send them to me, and I’ll get them up to Lou.  I’ll be there walking along with my Pathfinder friends! Calling all Pathfinder folks, to be there too, if you can, but also to donate to this worthy cause. By the way, Lou is retiring this year, we hope he makes it back for this annual event. He will be missed!!

Every year Lou comes around to classrooms promoting the run and the fundraiser and shows tear jerking videos. Here is one of my favorites if you are on the fence about donating to make-a-wish…get out your hankies:

I can’t seem to get a live link, type in the google bar, 
Juni! you’re going to Disneyland! youtube

It’s a sweet one!

ok, off to do a few little todos…
Have a good day, Happy May!
Love to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Correction!!! Make-a-Wish run is May 29, not June 29th....
    June 29th is summer!
