Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The day before the big PET scan…
Other than this incessant cough I’ve been feeling pretty good this week. Good energy, and pretty happy and hopeful. Yesterday I told Roz, “It feels great to feel good!” and it’s true. But then of course I over do it…shocking! So today I’m taking it easy. That is what I said in a text to Mike this morning. But this is what me taking it easy looks like the day before I have the biggest test since July to find out the most information about this cancer…I’m working on 3 loads of laundry, including sheets. While I was feeling the worst last week I slept in Michael’s room and referred to it as “sick bay”. He’s heading up tomorrow so I must wash the sick bay sheets. I may as well go through another one of his drawers finding more t-shirts he can get rid of. Oh and while I’m washing his sheets I’ll wash ours, and clean our room…dust, sweep, swiffer. And wash the blankets in the dog crate. And then there is emptying the dishwasher and general kitchen tidying and the day is young! I’m not done yet. But this is my therapy. It feels good to do these normal things and it feels even better to have them done. Tomorrow I can come home and celebrate in a clean house! Off to walk the doggie in a few minutes and a little more work in the kitchen…then I’ll take it easy…oh after I switch and fold the laundry!

Big news in our house! Maggie and a good friend from high school found a little 2 bedroom house to rent in Fremont. She is just 2 blocks away from the troll that terrified her as a little girl. Just 4 blocks from Jennifer. Jennifer said the troll is her protector, I like that! She is also just a few blocks from her cousin Lillie. And instead of an hour bus ride to work and an hour home she can ride her bike or take a short bus ride to work.  Betty and I moved to Seattle when we were 25 and our first Seattle home was in Fremont. Fremont is a great neighborhood and she will love it so much more than being tucked away in the depths of West Seattle. I'll be a little worried and sad for a while, but as sad as I am to see her move out, I’m even happier for her to get to move on!

Thank you all for your texts, emails, good wishes and prayers. I’ll be carrying all of that positive energy with me through tomorrow.
Love to you all



  1. So when you go visit Maggie, you're right around the corner from us....that means a rendezvous!! :)

  2. Thinkin' of you today. Miss y'all and hope to visit soon.

  3. OK. Katy told us about Miss Maggie--very good. Though I agree with your feelings about it. I'm ready to see "tomorrow's" results.
