Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Kansas City here I come...

I mean, Kansas City here I am!! Just a short post to let you all know I did it, I made it, I am here with my mom, my brothers and many more of my clan! My sweet niece Jennifer picked me up from the airport and escorted me right to my momma! My brother Matthew greeted me with a big hug, my brother Paul joined us for dinner and I am so happy to be here!

The plane was full, no upgrade or special treatment for me...and that was ok, really none was needed, I was fine. I'm so glad I paid extra for a non-stop, the Delta flight I would have caught went through Minneapolis and I understand many flights from there were cancelled. So all is well, the flight was painless. I wore a mask most of the time for my own protection, though I have to say passengers seemed pretty healthy; I was on the lookout for symptoms and a bit of a germ-o-phobe all day. Now I just have to stay bundled up here as it is very, very cold...26 degrees at this point in time.

Good night from the heart of America!
Stay warm!
Love to you all,


  1. Wow, way to go Janet!!! You are a brave woman! How lucky you get to be with your family. Enjoy your time together. Endless healing love and light.

  2. Glad you are with your momma and KC family

  3. Not that much warmer here. Enjoy the heartland. Love you.
