Thursday, June 22, 2017

Dr. Veena Shankaran at SCCI was lovely, honest, kind, just as Gaby had described. But, she did not have a hidden magic bullet. In fact the chemo that we agreed with Dr. Kaplan was too much of a long shot and could be too toxic, she thought it could actually shorten my life. She talked about my poor, sad, inflamed, pissed off liver. She said it was too diseased to really handle any more poison. She was brave and honest to say that she thought my liver would be what takes me down.  She explained that my eyes would start to yellow, and was impressed that they were not yet. She acknowledged all the tough treatments I had gone through. But the best thing that she said, what I think was worth the price of admission, was that we’d done all we could, had uncovered every stone and she probably would have suggested the same treatments. That really put our mind at rest. We’ve done what we could. I’m  putting healthy stuff in and on my body and I really do believe for the most part it is out of our hands. Right now and from here on out my body is going to do what my body is going to do. And what I’m going to do is try to make the best of the coming days. I may be low energy and coughing my head off, but I can still get out of bed everyday and take care of myself. There is going to be a day when I can’t do that and in the mean time, I’m grateful that I can do that. I’m still kicking!

We had an extremely full and busy Father’s Day, and I’m so glad we did. I enjoyed the day so much. I’ll be seeking out my family to do as much of that as we can. My Kansas City and Boulder people are going to come visit starting right after the 4th of July. They will be trickling in, not staying long, and I’m looking forward to that very much. 

So many of us these days are working on mindfulness and living each moment. As you might imagine, that feeling is multiplied at a time like this.

Miracles do happen and I want to be open to that story, but at the same time I am one to be realistic. I’m working on being at peace with all of this and with getting my “affairs in order.” Today, this moment, I am alive, and really that is all any of us know for sure.

Thank you friends for holding us up.
Thank you all for your lovely texts, emails, replies on the blog and beautiful cards and meaningful messages.
I love you.



  1. Oh I love you so much sweet Auntie J!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Sending lots of love to you, Janet. ❤️ Lucy and Eli

  3. You are amazing, Janet. You have done all the right things and still are doing the right things. No wonder so many people love you. Sending only healthy, sweet, loving, sunny thoughts.

    Kay Hermann

  4. I love you. WE love you. I am glad you are calling the shots. You are a precious soul.

  5. Janet-you are wrapped in love. You have balanced all these treatments with such care and sought out advice so many times. This is now in your hands. Your words of "living each moment" are so true and I have no doubt that you and Mike will do just that. Hugs dear friend.

  6. Love love love to you from Aran and Ryan and Brendan and me. I see you in all our human salmon as they are growing. Thank you. I love you. - Jodi

  7. When you feel this really big hug and I mean REALLY BIG HUG that comes out of nowhere, its Wee Wee.
    We are consumed in thinking and praying for you my friend. Hugs and kisses from Colorado!!

  8. We are wishing you peace Janet. And hoping for miracles. ❤️ Heather (and family)

  9. Sending so much love to you Janet! xoxo Kathy and Zachary

  10. I have been thinking of you nonstop. I am amazed by you and always have been! Blankets of love should be thrown on you now! We love you- Megan, Viv and Reese

  11. Dear Janet,
    I've been thinking of you so much. Yesterday I picked and ate a few raspberries off the bush at the community garden and remembered last summer making you and Mike pick raspberries in the dark! Your introducing me to Insight Timer has really revived my meditation practice which I'm so grateful for. I've been doing some visualization Tara meditations that I used to do years ago - picturing you in her radiant light. The funny thing is that a few other people I know have crept into the visualization - people not as easy to love as you. And they are sitting there being bathed in the radiant light too. Hmm. I never could control my visualizations well. (When I used to try to count sheep, they would all get bunched up on one side until there wasn't room for any more sheep. They wouldn't move out of the way for the next sheep jumping over the fence! Not relaxing...) Well, I'm rambling here, but what I'm trying to say is that you are benefiting some difficult people who have snuck under the umbrella of light, love, and prayers intended for you! That sounds like you...
    Big Love,

  12. Holding a light for you dear one...asking for your greatest good. Surrounding you with love.

  13. I think of you everyday Janet, hold on tight to all of us who love you near and you cousin!

  14. I think of you everyday Janet, hold on tight to all of us who love you near and you cousin!

  15. Sending you love, Janet! I am so glad that you have such a supportive and loving family by your side. We think of you so often.
    Love, Katie, Kelly, Chase & Callan

  16. Janet,
    You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Asking for a miracle and sending love your way.
    Love you,
