Monday, February 20, 2017

I've been wanting to get this written and posted for days.
Last Friday and Saturday I felt lousy as expected,day 3 and day 4.  But by Saturday night, with Mike limping around quite well, I started feeling feverish. Ended up with 100degree fever. 100.4 sends you straight to he hospital. In addition I've started to get my old pain back, a little more and more. Not as intense, but there it is. I called the doc on call and after a good discussion we agreed I would pack a bag and go straight in if the fever went higher or the pain was worse but at that point I was feeling better just talking to her.

We made it ok through Sunday, though I wasn't feeling well at all. Monday morning we went straight into see Dr. K. They took my blood, checked my vitals, checked me out an checked me in...the hospital, that is! That was a week ago today, still here!

I've had such low energy, lack of stamina, and inability to focus my attention, that I just couldn't get to this blog! But I am here now and must try to keep it short just to get through it, you know that is not a strength for me.

First I had a CT scan.  The news was good.  All tumors shrunk a bit, not a huge amount, but going in the right direction, with the exception of one lymph node that grew a bit.

Then I had an endoscopy. No cancer from my esophagus, all the way down to my duodenum! My esophagus, where I feel most of the pain, looks great, no problem.  My ulcer in the duodenum is healing nicely, there is scar tissue, the ulcer is much smaller, and ZERO coil sighting! It's in there or its gone.

The trouble is in my stomach, no cancer but the chemo beat the hell out of my stomach lining. It's called erosive gastropathy.  Initially I was eating small amounts of gut friendly food: kefir, yogurt, broth. Sometimes I might have pain, sometimes no. Then we all started  thinking back to September
2014 and what finally healed my ilium was no food at all.  So one night I was having a little yogurt and felt immediate acid reflux and that was my ticket to no food. I have to let my stomach lining heal. I have a neon yellow green bag of yum pumping nutrients into me. On occasional bag  of lipids and then this and that and the other.

There have been other misc tests and results, another Echo, a chest x-Ray, because I was having a hideous cough. But I will spare you all the details. Mike and Betty and the kids are up daily helping me get through this chapter of the fight.

Heal my stomach-eat food-then we'll talk next steps.
That is all I can muster for today.
Teachers and kids enjoy your week off!
Love to you all!
PS oldest iPad around, so excise lack of edits, etc.


  1. Come on healing stomach!!!!!! That is so exciting that the tumors are shrinking. They need to disappear and be gone forever. Love you sweet Auntie J!!

    1. Love you, too, Jamie! We are working hard on healing.

  2. Sending healing thoughts to you, Janet!
    Angie G.

    1. Thank you, Angie! Hope you are well. Love to your family for me.

  3. hope you start feeling stronger and having less and less pain each day. We love you and are cheering loudly for you!!!!
    Love, Marley, Malia, Mark and Marcy MG4
