Sunday, February 7, 2016

Anxiety is a force

I have had so much anxiety lately. 
I was always a worrier, oh my, if you knew me when my kids were small, you know I could worry. I could make up any number of possible horrible scenarios for any given day and situation and worry to a ridiculous degree. Surprisingly, once they went to college and I really had no control (as if I ever did), I worried much less. Of course, that does not include the times Maggie was out of the country; I was right back to worrying like I had a 2 year old!

But, I digress. I was a worrier but I really didn’t know about anxiety. Anxiety is very different. Anxiety, I’ve come to realize these past couple of weeks, comes on like water:
a wave
a wash
a swell
in drips
I’ve experienced all of these recently, as witnessed by many people around me. Most of the day I can hold it back, like a dam. I’ll cry just a bit, a little leak,  but I can’t hold it back for long. Water is a force, so is anxiety.

Tomorrow we go for the mapping procedure and find out if I’m eligible for the Y90 radiation. I think a lot of anxiety will be relieved once we know…either way, just not knowing is so very challenging.

If I can, I’ll post at least a bit tomorrow evening and let you all know how it went. Until then…
love to you all


My new favorite socks...thank you Cara!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Auntie J....thinking about you today and hope you get some peace from the results of the mapping today.

    Anxiety is definitely a force and my only thought for you is to don't hold the water back. Anxiety feeds on the constant struggle and grows stronger with resistance.

    It goes against your natural instinct but if you let the anxiety flow and be not only will you not feel overwhelmed but over time it will reduce dramatically.

    Anxiety is fed by you holding back the water! Let the river flow. Trust me

    Love you!!!
