Monday, February 8, 2016

Good news and Bad news
The good news is that I am eligible to receive the Y90 radiation. They confirmed that these tumors are being fed by the blood so the Y90 will be effective. Also, not too much will leak out into my lungs or stomach. They put in the shunts right then and there. I had a nice drug induced conversation with the guys working on me as they went. I had those lovely drugs that keep you in that sweet space of almost awake almost asleep.

The bad news is there is more than they thought. One treatment is not likely to be enough…we’d be lucky they said (we’ve been lucky before). The treatment causes a good deal of liver damage and they don’t like to do it more than once. They may do a second treatment, but that would be at 1/2 the dose. That is the most they can do. After the first treatment, we’ll just have to reevaluate, consider all the options and go from there.

Nothing is scheduled yet, but it most likely will be scheduled for about 2-3 weeks from now. The radiation doc…Dr. Morris suggested I take 3 weeks off after the procedure. That seems like a lot, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

One step at a time.
Thank you for all your prayers, good wishes, intentions, thoughts and support. It helped us get through this day.
With Love



  1. Dear Janet,
    Please take good care in the interim! I am thinking of you and would love to help in any way, so let me know!

  2. Dear Janet,
    Please take good care in the interim! I am thinking of you and would love to help in any way, so let me know!

  3. Lots of words come to mind, not many are suitable for a family audience. Except love. That is what we are all thinking. We are putting the love to action on all those speckles on your liver and they will soon be obliterated. That is what is going to happen.

    Tracy B

  4. Thinking of you. Prayers and good wishes.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and hopes and fears through this blog. You are loved by so many! Big Big hugs and love with you always.
