Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I'm Home!
Low residue diet.
Come on scar tissue!
Here is to healing!
Love to you all


  1. sending healing love and energy to you my friend. Hope you are able to rest and relax now that you are home. We love you so. MG4

  2. Yahoo!!!! Come on scar tissue!!!! Love you Auntie J!

  3. Lots of love and healing thoughts.

  4. You are always in our thoughts!! Much love, Amy, Josh, Liam and Ethan.

  5. Just catching up here. And, my oh my, there is a lot to digest (if you'll pardon the pun since digesting is not where you are at this moment). In any event, I have learned if you stop reading a blog for even a couple of weeks, lives change. This kills me, but not literally as I know it will not kill you literally either. I am a barrel of puns today. This is such an odd turn of events that I am bamboozled which is probably the word I'd have suggested when you needed one to talk about being pissed and confused. I am pleased you are home and I am rooting for scar tissue and willing it to do what it needs to do. I love you, Janet Osborn. You inspire all of us.
