Sunday, September 20, 2015

Back to work…
As most of you know our union and the district came to a tentative agreement and we went back to work on Wednesday and had our first day of classes on Thursday. Today the members of the SEA are meeting to vote to accept or reject the tentative agreement. We had so much support from parents and others in Seattle that I cannot imagine we could pick up the same level of support if we reject the agreement. It’s not perfect, by a long shot, but we definitely got some wins. I’m still pulling my cancer/heart failure card to stay home from the assembly. In normal times I would get there early, bring snacks and be prepared for the long haul. I’m just not up for it these days, not with 26 6 and 7 year olds to look forward to in the morning.

So, school…phewsh! It’s not easy being a first grade teacher, though I do know how much easier it is than being a kindergarten teacher and I’m filled with gratitude that Jessica spent that year with these little ones. It was a busy and very full first 2 days. Officially I only work in the morning, but for the first 2 days, I stayed all day so Hillary and I could work as a team. I can’t say enough good about Hillary. She is very positive and upbeat. There were times I was flailing on Friday and she just propped me up so I could continue. I’m a little rusty! And she knew just what to say to keep my confidence up and keep me going. She is a master teacher that is clear. She’s “got it” and I am so grateful to know I can just leave half way through the day and the kids will be in such capable hands!

And we have Mary Cook as Ian’s 1:1 instructional assistant! Mary is there primarily to support Ian, but she cannot spend all her time with him as that would limit his opportunities for independence, so she is everywhere! Mary sees what needs to be done before I do at times. I am so grateful that she is in the Salmon Clan with us everyday. And how great for the all of us to have the consistency of Mary all day!

Crissy (our reading interventionist) has also been helping out a great deal with my class until she gets her schedule in place. She has been a huge support and always has a positive, upbeat attitude!

Normally I am alone with 26 kiddos. Most of the time those first 2 days there were 3 and sometimes 4 of us in the room. Thank you all! I definitely needed support to get through those first days!

It was a very emotional time for me, as you might imagine. I cried a few times Thursday morning as people came in to see me, finally I put my hand up and said they had to wait, I couldn’t cry anymore! I made it through the day! At one point one little guy said to me, “You had brain surgery.” Another chimed in immediately with, “No, you had cancer.” Followed immediately by another, “Cancer is not contagious.” I took 2 minutes or less to fill them in and then we moved on. On Friday I was asking the kids to draw a self portrait and was drawing an example on a piece of paper. When I came to my hair I gasped and said aloud, “Wow! Last time I did this I had long hair, oh well. I think I’ll use white and silver and yellow, I still like to think that I am blond!” And that was the end of that. So, I made it over some emotional hurdles.

My most emotional time was during recess and taking kids to buses on Thursday. I saw lots of my former students and they just shouted “Janet!” and their faces were so open and happy. I was getting hugs from all sides and realized my liver was finally feeling better (thank goodness!). 

After school Thursday I was out in front of the building and had to just let the tears flow as I saw so many of my families and another hug fest ensued! What a great feeling to be back. 

My heart is healing.
My liver feels better…only hurts when i press on a couple of spots.
My cancer is gone-ish, maybe.
I’m back to work, even if just 1/2 time for now…with 26 adorable first graders and a whole community who has welcomed me back with great joy and open arms.

I am so grateful!
I wish you hope, health and happiness.
with love,

PS As if it could get any better…kids are on their way over for Sunday night dinner and the Seahawks game…go Hawks!

Here is a picture Mike Delcamp took of me and Conor (second grader!) on the first day of school. I’m wearing my skirt from Senegal and a t-shirt a former student, Willa decorated for me with a ballerina and a poem.


  1. Love you Auntie J!!! So glad to see you back doing the thing you love to do the most! Go Seahawks

  2. Love you Auntie J!!! So glad to see you back doing the thing you love to do the most! Go Seahawks

  3. Hi Janet, I just saw this post. I didn't realize you would have so very many kids! They are so lucky to have you! (bob &) betsy

    1. Hi Betsy (and Bob!) it was so great to have time to visit with you when you were here. I hope your time with kids in the library has started and that it has started well.
      Yes, in Washington we have no state sales tax and the legislature is not fully funding education. We are strapped at every level. Last I heard we were 47th in the nation for class size. This past year the legislature tried to make a dent in class size for K-2 classes, but that funding has not trickled down very much into my reality. Twenty six 6 & 7 year olds is...well, it's a lot!!! Good thing they are cute and funny!
      See you back up this way soon, I hope!

  4. So happy. So proud.
    Love ya.
    Wee Wee

  5. So lovely to see your smiling face on Wednesday Janet. So glad you are back. I will always be grateful for the fabulous year Milo had in the Salmon Clan. Much love to you. Sarah
