Sunday, March 26, 2017

I have to admit I’ve never been to a Jewish ceremony without leaving and thinking, I wish I was Jewish! (We live in a very progressive part of the country. I’m sure that is not the case for every Jewish community in the country, and now we are having  these ridiculous times with so many threats to Jewish communities…I can’t even begin to go into feelings about that.) I’ve been to several Shivas and Jewish memorials that have been so touching and emotional. I’ve been invited to join Chanukah and Passover celebrations in the past. I am always so impressed with the youth during their Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah. The community I participate with the most is a very joyful, progressive, inclusive community in West Seattle. I have many friends who are members of that congregation and every time I’m invited to join them, I am so impressed with the abundant love they share among themselves and beyond.

But my point is that one of my favorite things about Jewish tradition (I know this is silly, but it is true) is the ritual of Spring Cleaning that comes with Passover. Yes, I am one of those! I used to really get into spring cleaning marathons (of course they were in the summer after school was out) but I simply do not have the energy to sustain that kind of activity. So, I really needed Mike. Monday morning, one full week after chemo I woke up feeling energized and overall better than I have for a long time. I really think Gaby was pushing me out of my funk! AND I realized I had Mike trapped! He was off pain killers but couldn’t drive yet. He had done a great job of icing for more than 48 hours. He was feeling lots better. It was a rainy morning (shocking!).  We started with his closet and drawers. I worked on a couple of mine at the same time. In the afternoon, for our big outing, I drove us to the Goodwill drop and we left 3 garbage bags and 2 paper bags worth of sweaters, coats, shoes and clothing. I felt the bedroom breathe a sigh of relief!

The next 2 days taxes hijacked my greater plan. Of course it did not take the full 2 days but I could not rally to bring on other projects at the same time. Thursday came and we tackled one of our hall closets that morning and on Friday morning the other one; the one known as the hardware closet, the battery closet, the lightbulb closet, the dvd closet, the game closet…you get the idea!  I could not have done those closets on my own and it feels so good to clear out the old. Mike took baby steps back to work starting on Thursday with an afternoon meeting and Friday afternoon in the office (I think my cleaning jag had him pining for work!). But we made a dent and on the rainy days ahead I can finish up where we left off.

We did have some sunshine this week that we tried to take advantage of, too. Thursday afternoon was lovely and I made it outside to do a little yard work for about half an hour or so. Spring is definitely trying to break through this dreary winter. And I am resolved, on sunny and warm days, to get my butt out of this house! I need some of nature's Vitamin D and all the good that comes from our extremely beautiful corner of the county. 

I’ve had many messages of love coming through various forms of communication this week. Including the yummy food from the meal train and others. Your generosity and goodness often make me cry, which is a good thing. Thank you all for the food, messages, cards, thoughts, prayers and positive energy in any form you muster!

Tomorrow I see Dr. Standish. Tuesday will be sunny and you can find me at Alki in the afternoon (just putting my request to the sun out to the universe...). Wednesday I have chemo. Then I have 2 weeks to feel better again.

Lots of love to you all.



  1. Sweet Janet! Every time I come catch up on your blog, I am blown away all over again. You are a strong one and I am so proud to call you my friend. All good thoughts coming to you from me-love you bunches!

    1. Thank you, Lynn. I've just been brave and strong enough recently to return to the world of FB. It's good to see you there! Xoxo

  2. And OMG, the wig! Your sister! Fabulous and the new dos look great on both of you!

  3. I am huge on spring cleaning but I do it any time of year! Can't stand clutter or abundance for that matter! It does feel so good to purge. I am addicted��

    So good that it will be sunny. We love Akko and wish we could be right their with you. Love you sweet Auntie J!

  4. It was so fun when you guys were here. I still think of my "room of shame" as my "room of awesome!" Thank you, Annabelle!

    Look I can comment again! Magic in my phone!

  5. Janet, could you please, please come over and do our Passover cleaning? We really need someone who is into this Pesach (Passover in Hebrew) ritual. We have drawers, cabinets and closets galore that need a really good cleaning. Come on by as soon as you're done with yours. Okay, thanks.

  6. Eddie, when I finish mine I'll be right over! Ha ha!!
