Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Good day my friends.
I am improving a bit everyday. It is a slow process, regaining my strength, stamina, appetite and allowing my stomach to heal and take in new low fiber~high protein foods each day. But I am on that road. It's somewhat familiar, actually. I think this is what the process has been after each stay in the hospital.

I've slept more in the past week than I can remember. I am NOT a napper as a rule (not to be confused with my husband...he can fall asleep in a nod, almost any time of day!). Up until yesterday there was no way to keep my eyes open in the afternoon. I was taking one or two hour naps each day. I knew it was helping my body to heal and I couldn't have fought it off if I tried. Yesterday I just rested, with no sleep and today we were on the go with appointments and only had time for a small rest. I'm trying to work with this body to give it what it needs but I also have to push it to build back my strength and stamina. That stay in the hospital just took all the wind out of my sail.

Today Mike and I went to see Dr. Kaplan so he could see how I was doing out of the hospital and make a new plan. Dr. Kaplan could see that I was improving. He was optimistic and hopeful, but not giddy about it, mind you. I asked (knowing the answer) if there was any way he could tell which had harmed my stomach, the taxol or the cyramza. Answer: no. Oh well. What we did learn is that it had started to work. And if we know something is working it is a hell of a lot more attractive than some other chemo that we have no idea about.

So the new plan: I have two weeks to build back my strength and stamina and get my stomach ready. In two weeks I'm going back on the taxol and cyramza, at a lower (maybe 1/2 dose) and every other week verses three weeks on, one week off. The plan is both taxol and cyramza every other week.

 Dr. Kaplan first suggested next week and I knew that was just too soon. I told him I'd contact him next week to let him know how I was doing but I need two weeks to gather up all the ingredients to go back in to this with eyes wide open. Lots of wherewithal, determination, persistence, positivity, strength, stamina, optimism, serenity, light and peace in my heart, not to mention a healthy gut! I need 2 weeks.

The sock/hat fairies continue to show up at just such the perfect times! You all have been so generous and thoughtful to me. I am so grateful for all the support of my Pathfinder families. You are dear to me and you really lift me up. The cards I am getting are so touching. Your kids (my kids!!) are so encouraging and their notes are  filled with love. I can't tell you how much all of this means to me.

We've also had plenty of friends bringing us food (well, really for Mike, my diet is too boring!). This has been so helpful as he has had plenty to do to take care of me. I think we're good for now though. We have 2 weeks and if we need more support at that time, we will give a little yelp out into this blogosphere!

Mike's toe is healing nicely, thank goodness! Next on his list is repairing some tears in his knee! That man has to stay strong to take care of me, and vice versa!

Sending love and peace and a special light to you all.


  1. Stronger every day, healing every day, stronger gut and stronger you. The new plan sounds solid.
    Thanks for the update. You are winning!
    We love you dearly and pray for you daily with light and peace in our hearts and messages. xoxo

    1. Thank you for all my cards and art and all the love you send to me. sending lots of love to you. Xoxo

  2. Janet-you are in my prayers every day. I got a little behind in your writes and now see that you and Mike have had a time of it. Your wit and spirit are strong. All my love!

    1. Hi Theresa! Sounds like you and Steve are making some big moves. Congratulations! Thanks for your prayers and love.

  3. Sending love, Janet! You are amazing 💚❤💜

    1. Hi Eliza, I hope you are well and look forward to a time we can sit and catch up. Sending love to all of you!
