Writing this blog has helped me process the fact that I have cancer and the rollercoaster we’ve been on since diagnosis. I tried this morning to write a little to help me process this election…it didn’t help. I’ve felt empty and broken all day. I am heartsick. It is way too soon to talk of healing. We are in the early stages of diagnosis.
I usually stay away from Facebook when I’m stressed as I find it overwhelming. I’ve actually found it comforting today. A few things that have comforted me:
The map that shows how 18-25 year olds voted (overwhelmingly blue).
Harper’s post expressing how she wants to curl up in a ball today (just how I feel) but challenges us all to go out and do something good for someone.
Claire’s post offering her computer skills (of which she has many) to organizations wanting to fight for change.
The posts that have talked about ways to talk to children and the wise words of the children themselves.
Knowing that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.
Seeing people pouring out their best intentions to be energized to fight for what is right and good.
I know that if I was still in the classroom I would feel stronger, better, that I was able to contribute somehow to the greater good. Home at this computer I really can’t muster that feeling. I need to take Harper’s advice and get out and do good deeds. I need to follow Claire’s lead and offer up my services where I can to fight hatred and bigotry, to fight for what is right and good.
Sending you all my love,