Thursday, August 25, 2016

Last weekend we were honored to be invited to a Bar Mitzvah of one of my former students, Ben. In addition, I was asked to do a reading (in English, of course!). What a great celebration and honor. Ben did a fabulous job, what a great morning!

Then we had a pizza party to celebrate Betty's nephew who recently defended his dissertation to earn a dual Ph.D. in Astro-biology and Astronomy from UW. We attended his defense a week or so ago and you can imagine, it was a little like listening to Ben speak Hebrew in terms of being able to comprehend what he was saying! But, what a great experience to witness his defense. I had never been to the defense of a dissertation before. Another great honor and privilege.

It is back to school time and I am continuing to work on my grieving process, letting go the part of me that held down room 122 at Pathfinder. It is Jumpstart for kindergarten this week. There is not a fiber in my being that thinks I could have even tried to pull off teaching this year. Every cell knows that I could not have done it. But, it remains a challenge to be here; not there.

I am also working hard to remember that I had this pain before, during the spring, and then it suddenly, unexpectedly disappeared. It is back and is a daily challenge. But it went away has to go away again!

I'm having trouble replying to blog just won't let me reply. I went in and got rid of some cookies last week and I must have dumped a cookie that lets me in to reply...can't figure it out!

Eliza my dear:
So glad you find Insight Timer helpful. Wilson often joins me in my meditations. Thanks for your words of encouragement and support. It does feel a little wimpy...whine whine whine...I'm done whining about pain!! (maybe!!) Mike and I were just talking about you and your BF the other day. We had such a great time in Boston. Best of luck with the garden. I've decided my little lettuce sprouts are just not going to make it this year...maybe next year. I still have hope for my kale!! Love to all the critters in your home. xooxxoxo

And Cecelia I wanted to thank you as well and say I am wishing you all the best this fall with the transition to the Earth Hall. It is such an exciting time for the kids and just keep in mind that it can be a more difficult transition for the parents to move from Sky Hall to Earth Hall! Fair warning! I'll be thinking of all my little salmon (and their parents) as they find their way up stairs!

And by the way, Seattle, is anyone else hot? Or is it just me!! Not complaining mind you! Soaking it up into my bones for winter!

Peace and love

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