Tuesday, July 28, 2015

If we were playing Chutes and Ladders, I just got another roll and landed at the base of a ladder! Up we go…again!

We saw Dr. Sandra Vermeulen at Swedish Cherry Hill. She literally walked into the room saying, “We can take care of this!” and then proceeded to make our day!

I’ll get a call from Dr. Robert Osnis who will be the person to put the three little pieces of gold into my liver to mark the triangle for the radiation or he may say the tumor is far enough from the ribs and small enough to do RFA, which will more or less cauterize the tumor and get rid of it right then and there…done, handled!

If he can’t do the RFA, he’ll put the gold pieces in to prepare me to go under the “cyberknife” which is very precise and accurate. I’ll then get a CT scan to make sure everything is in place and then go through maybe five 40 minutes sessions in one week with the cyberknife. That should take care of it!  She says I’ll have no immediate side effects but after a couple of weeks I’ll most likely have about 6 weeks of fatigue. No skin burn or burn of nearby organs, etc. 

It almost sounds too good to be true! She’ll put it in to my insurance today to get the ball rolling!

Thursday I see the cardiologist…I’ll let you know how that goes.
Wow, what a rollercoaster!
Love to you all!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Keep up the positive attitude!

  3. Thank you, Marsena! I've been so lucky to be healthy enough to keep coming back. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

    And, Becky, yes, we will end this year stronger than we started...we've all got to stay in the game and keep winning each round that we can. Love and prayers to you all from over here!

  4. Thank you Janet! Love all of your vacation photos! Looks like you had a wonderful trip.

  5. Dear Janet, The last time I checked in, I saw nothing but pictures of happy faces and Ireland. The next thing I know, I hear from someone with both love that your heart has been struggling a bit. I get on and get the update and I feel all emotions from sadness to anger to disbelief to hope to smiling about cyber knives and the idea of having a golden liver (not sure what to say about that). We Westermans love you and hold you in our hearts as always. We are with you for the next chapter and look forward to watching you climb the next ladder to the highest level and the head of the class (oh, wait, that was a different game).
