Friday, May 15, 2015

Scan results…
It’s not gone, it’s still there, but just a small spot, even smaller than before. But rather than going with radiation like Dr. Kaplan mentioned last time he wants to do 2 more rounds of chemo. He is right…it does work…it has worked….it continues to work for me…so chemo it is.
My echocardiogram looked good and I’m not at the upper limit for the epirubicin so I can continue with both oxalyplatin and epirubicin. and so I will.
First round (13th round really) on Mike’s birthday, Tuesday, May 19th. and 14th round on Tuesday June 9th then 3 weeks after that we are going to Ireland. When we come back I’ll get a scan (hopefully a PET scan). And we’ll go from there. 

I really had my heart set on no more chemo, so it feels like a set back and it’s not. The cancer is smaller that is good news! I was somewhat convinced it would be gone and my hair would grow and my taste buds would continue to come back to me, but in the back of my mind I made up a consolation prize. I told myself if I have to have chemo I get to sit on the couch and watch every episode of Mad Men all over again! And so, next Wednesday,  and beyond that is where you can find me. I have so many things I wanted to get done and here and now I say “Fuck it!” to my todo list. My fucking todo list will just have to wait. (Can you tell I am a little bitter???)

I made it clear to the good doctor that I intend to go back to work in the fall and chemo wears me out, and I need time after that last chemo to get my groove back. He heard me and he said I’d be ready (though  I don’t know when the last time he saw a classroom of 6 and 7 year olds…). But that is my goal and my intention. If my last chemo is June 9th, I’ll have Ireland to heal me and then the rest of the summer to get back my strength and stamina. 
It’ll be grand (as they say in Ireland).

I’ll be enjoying some wine this weekend, celebrating Mike’s birthday with friends and the kids and their friends and some neighbors. So: Life is Good! (cancer and chemo sucks….but life is good!)

Have a great weekend…enjoy!
love, love, love to you all
thanks for reading my rant!



  1. In the big picture it's a minor setback but still disappointing as hell like you said.... luckily it's small and your chemo is going to eat it all up so you are ready for your Ireland trip and your kiddos who are anxiously awaiting you in the Fall.
    Hugs, love, light and a smooth journey ahead. Rootin for you Janet! You are a tough warrior!

  2. Two steps forward, one step back...still moving forward and you get to go to Ireland and you get to walk on June 7 and we get to party with Class of 2015 Salmon Clan and, and, and, and....doesn't take away from disappointment/bitterness so not trying to discount AND I am thinking all positive all the time. I remember when I got shingles in the middle of chemo and I had to stop chemo and it put me an extra month out. It sucked and then it was over. Love you.

  3. It sucks, then it will be over. I can get my head around that! Love you!
