Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Report from Tuesday's Visit with Dr. K

Sub title: I think I’m kicking the shit out of this shit!
(Lisa D…that’s ok to say, right…not like the last time…this time I added the I think…not too cocky!)

So Friday we got the print out of the scan report from the doctor and I spent some time before our appointment going through it carefully to compare numbers and see if the chemo really is working as well without the Zeloda as it was working with the Zeloda. While I was going through it carefully I could find very little about my stomach and what’s going on in there. It said my stomach showed “normal wall thickness no discrete areas of abnormal transmural wall thickening.”

That was all it said about the stomach…what about my tumor? lesion? or other cells and bits?

Before chemo I always get a blood draw, get my port accessed and then we go to see Dr. Kaplan. I asked him about the minimal information about my stomach, after all this is gastric cancer. He said there is not much else to see or say. I asked, “Is there no cancer in there?” He said he would not say that, but it has shrunk to the point that it won’t show up on a CT scan. Some cells and bits might show up on a PET scan or an endoscopy and we’ll do one or both of those in the future…but for now, clearly the IV chemo is working! Wow! At this point there is very little to no cancer on my pancreas, small bits probably in/on my stomach, and the liver tumors are definitely shrinking. I asked if he saw surgery in my future, he said not at this point.
Wow! I feel like there is a miracle happening here, and I really don’t want to speak to soon, or let my guard down, or take anything for granted…but damn! I don’t think I could ask for more at this point.

I attribute this of course to my great doc and the powerful medicine he prescribes, to the mushrooms from my naturopath that have been shown to help the chemo do the job, the mushrooms from Brody…just  the extra punch. Also from my amazing family and close friends in the trenches with me. And because of all of you (and many of your children) and your persistent positive energy; your prayers, dedications, candle lighting, imagery, and positive thoughts. I am so held up to fight this fight. I’m so thankful for all of you.

It takes a village to fight cancer…and I have an awesome village.
I wish you a peaceful, loving, full day around a table with loved one’s tomorrow. I’ll be eating whatever I want (woohoo) and thinking of you all!

Love and Peace and Light and Gratitude



  1. THAT IS AWESOME!!! What great news. You are kicking the shit outta that shit. Keep it up! Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Janet, have a very warm, cozy, loving and delicious Thanksgiving!
