A big thanksgiving shout out to my favorite train!
Oh and of course, thank you to my awesome meal train with Gillian as the engineer! Thank you all for the love and time you've put into each meal and the creative dishes you created when my food choices were so limited! You have been reliable and on schedule, exceeding all train expectations!! A special thanksgiving thank you to you all!! You may already know that we're giving the meal train a vacation through the holidays. We'll see where we are at in January and let you know.
Lots of love and gratitude to you this Thanksgiving Day.
Janet, Mike, Michael and Maggie!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Report from Tuesday's Visit with Dr. K
Sub title: I think I’m kicking the shit out of this shit!
(Lisa D…that’s ok to say, right…not like the last time…this time I added the I think…not too cocky!)
So Friday we got the print out of the scan report from the doctor and I spent some time before our appointment going through it carefully to compare numbers and see if the chemo really is working as well without the Zeloda as it was working with the Zeloda. While I was going through it carefully I could find very little about my stomach and what’s going on in there. It said my stomach showed “normal wall thickness no discrete areas of abnormal transmural wall thickening.”
That was all it said about the stomach…what about my tumor? lesion? or other cells and bits?
Before chemo I always get a blood draw, get my port accessed and then we go to see Dr. Kaplan. I asked him about the minimal information about my stomach, after all this is gastric cancer. He said there is not much else to see or say. I asked, “Is there no cancer in there?” He said he would not say that, but it has shrunk to the point that it won’t show up on a CT scan. Some cells and bits might show up on a PET scan or an endoscopy and we’ll do one or both of those in the future…but for now, clearly the IV chemo is working! Wow! At this point there is very little to no cancer on my pancreas, small bits probably in/on my stomach, and the liver tumors are definitely shrinking. I asked if he saw surgery in my future, he said not at this point.
Wow! I feel like there is a miracle happening here, and I really don’t want to speak to soon, or let my guard down, or take anything for granted…but damn! I don’t think I could ask for more at this point.
I attribute this of course to my great doc and the powerful medicine he prescribes, to the mushrooms from my naturopath that have been shown to help the chemo do the job, the mushrooms from Brody…just the extra punch. Also from my amazing family and close friends in the trenches with me. And because of all of you (and many of your children) and your persistent positive energy; your prayers, dedications, candle lighting, imagery, and positive thoughts. I am so held up to fight this fight. I’m so thankful for all of you.
It takes a village to fight cancer…and I have an awesome village.
I wish you a peaceful, loving, full day around a table with loved one’s tomorrow. I’ll be eating whatever I want (woohoo) and thinking of you all!
Love and Peace and Light and Gratitude
Monday, November 24, 2014
Food and Numbers
We went to see Dr. Kaplan on Friday. He gave us big hugs and is so pleased with the progress. I asked him to look into a crystal ball, but his crystal ball only goes from one scan to the next. Really, the bottom line is, we continue on this path as long as the chemo continues to work. If the chemo stops working, we go to plan B (I have no idea what plan B is, by the way). So, two or three more rounds of chemo (6-9 weeks) then another scan, and then another look into the crystal ball. I asked about going back to work, he says I need the energy I have to fight the cancer. I think if I had a different kind of job I could probably start back now. One day a week, or work on line, take chemo weeks off, that just doesn’t work in my situation, so I have to hang on a bit longer before I can make plans to go back to work.
We received 3 pages of medical text that document the results of the scan.
My favorite numbers are on page one regarding the “mass” on the liver…
The mass in liver that had extreme hyper metabolism on PET scan 7/1514…shows a further reduction in size compared to 9//13/14 and significantly decreased in size compared to 6/28/14, with a maximum length measured at 3.8cm now at 2.7 cm.
There is a great deal more medical jargon and measurements, but what I know for sure is they are shrinking and the chemo is working! I’ll take that and go to Thanksgiving!
Last Tuesday I talked for a while with Mary, my dietitian. I told her all the foods I had put back in my diet and the foods I had not yet tried. It had been about 7 weeks since I’d left the hospital and my gut has been on the mend with no setbacks. She gave me the go ahead on all the foods I had not tried! So off to wheat I went. I made up my mind if I was going to have a bad reaction to wheat at least let me have had the wheat that I love. I wasn’t going to eat some dry wheat crackers and then have a bad reaction that left me without wheat again!!! Hell no! We went straight for Serious Pie!
Best pizza in Seattle, in my opinion, other than our front yard!!
Good news…no bad reaction; I’m back in the game. Since then I’ve kept wheat at a minimum; trying not go to overboard. I’ve added in salad as well, and citrus and a few other things. My appetite and taste buds fluctuate during the three week chemo cycle, but I am now able to eat any foods with no real restrictions. Mary said the things I may find irritating to my gut are black pepper and popcorn. I’m sure I’ve had pepper, it is just in stuff…right? But I have not had popcorn…yet. All in due time.
So, now it is time for Thanksgiving and I have plenty to be thankful for this year. I have chemo tomorrow and though I will be tingly and buzzy for Thanksgiving Day I’m thankful to know that the chemo is working. I’m thankful for all of you holding us up through the long hall that is cancer.
I wish you all a peaceful and loving Thanksgiving.
With love and thanks,
Friday, November 21, 2014
A Lovefest
I still have not gone to the doctor’s today to get the details, but I just have to write a bit about the love fest that just happened!
I decided I was ready to go check out Pathfinder. I literally had not been there since July when I was throwing things around trying to clean up from last year and get a few bits in order for Jessica. I was worried about my visit. I knew I would be overwhelmed with emotion, I just couldn’t picture how I could visit, not create havoc and come out without having a breakdown. I also planned it for today to keep my mind of my appointment this afternoon. (No need for that, though, I just get to be happy and think of it as part of my celebration of good news!)
It was awesome! Today is the last day before their Thanksgiving break (for the kids, teachers have conferences next week) AND it was their annual Elder Lunch day. So, I knew going into it that it was going to be a high energy day, full of distractions! So, why not go and just be one more distraction. My plan was to start in Sky Hall (the K/1 hall) and give hugs to my teachers, just peek in and spy a bit on my new group of kindergarteners (most of them don’t know me at all) and then if that was enough, I’d just sneak right back out. Well, that was so much fun, I decided to head on up to the office to find some more hugs. On my way up of course I ran into kids and parents (lots of volunteers for Elder’s Lunch), there were tears and hugs and it was just so great to see some of my former students. OK, now I’ll go…then I saw Scott heading out to recess with his class…I HAD to go hug them! So I went out to recess and saw lots of my kids (now 4th graders) and the 4/5 teachers. (Hi Thomas…sorry I missed you!!). Ok, now I have to go. I just kept seeing more and more people and before I knew it the 2/3 classes are heading down the steps. They include the second graders who were my last years first graders and their teachers whom I love! I got swept right into the cafeteria hugging aunties and grandmas and grandpas that I’ve met in the past, right along with teachers, parents and kids! Oh my goodness, did we have a hug fest! It was ridiculous in the best way!
I did not get to see everyone on my list but I finally just had to go. I’m just exhausted but in the best of ways! I’m so glad I went to see you, Pathfinder! I miss you terribly and hope to be back in the new year.
Love and Hugs to you all,
Good News A Day Early!
Right now it’s early Friday morning. I have a physical therapy appointment at 8:30 and then a few things planned for the day to help me keep my mind off the unknown. Our appointment to hear the scan results is late in the day, scheduled for 3:40 this afternoon.
So last night we decided to go out, Betty and Maggie and Mike and Me….out for, what I was calling, ignorance is bliss night! At one point I checked my phone and I had just missed a call from Dr. Kaplan. It was an ominous feeling…check the message or not…continue in ignorance. I would have thought it was an appointment reminder, but it was so late in the evening. I had to check…
A very brief message, a very few words…"the scan looks good…all the tumors are continuing to shrink…I’m very happy…hang in there…" That was it, but really that was way more than we expected, good news, early! We were overwhelmed!
That is all I know for now. We’ll get the details this afternoon. I’ll let you know more sometime this weekend.
Michael and Eva are headed up. We might even fire up the pizza oven to celebrate, even in the rain!
I am not fighting this cancer alone. I can't believe how many people I see and hear from who are following along with us and praying for us (in all the different ways that people pray!).
Good job everyone! We are fighting the good fight!
Love to you all,
Happy Friday!
Monday, November 17, 2014
BBBBBRRRRRRR…that was cold!
I’m back to our balmy 50 degree weather! It was so cold in KC! When the wind blew it was that biting, stinging dry cold. My skin was dry, my sinuses complained….yikes! But, it’s not about the weather, right?
I had a great trip and I’m so glad I went. I saw all my aunties, many cousins and both my nieces that live in KC. I got to catch up with Mig, a close friend from high school, hung out with my brothers, Paul and Matthew, but mostly hung out with my momma, which was the main goal of the trip.
We went to the movie, went to eat BBQ and hear live blues/jazz, watched Matt bowl in his Saturday morning league and I cooked a couple of times for Mom and Matt.
A highlight of my trips to KC is when my aunts gather and any cousins who can, join in. These gatherings used to be held religiously on Sunday morning at a nearby park for tennis and then to Dairy Queen. Relatives would come and go during these regular Sunday morning events. At DQ, no matter what you ordered, it was in your best interest not to think of it as yours, as in yours alone. You really had to think of it as belonging to the group. You might get the lions share of your order (or not) but you would definitely end up sharing pretty much anything you brought over to the tables! If you really wanted it all to yourself, you needed to find another part of the restaurant to consume your food or beverage. On any given Sunday there could be anywhere from 6-30 people at a time at the DQ. Back in those days mom said no one was willing to host that many people.
Sadly the DQ closed its doors a number of years ago and the group tried a few other venues. Then mom and her sisters hung their racquets up, no more need to meet at the park. And now the event has morphed into their Wednesday meetings. In the past, when I booked tickets for KC I always had to have a full Sunday there so I wouldn’t miss the DQ experience, now I have to make sure I’m there on Wednesdays.
The Wednesday meetings are held at Starbucks in a nearby mall. Luckily, in the back, the Starbucks has a big table where they usually congregate. This past Wednesday there was one man at the table working on his computer. Instead, we put together tables outside the door of the Starbucks, in the mall, and moved chairs out to accommodate our group.
Mom and I were there, of course, as were mom’s 3 sisters. One of their best friends since Kindergarten, Eileen, was there, too! My cousin Linda has changed her work schedule so she can usually be there, and she was. My cousin Susan drove from Lyons, Kansas just to join us that day. My niece Jennifer took the day off to be with me and mom, and one of her best friends joined us, too. My cousin Julie took a long lunch so she could be there. I think that’s everyone….did I forget anyone? It was a middle of the week party and I swear we sat there for 3 or 4 hours!
Sunday before heading to the airport my cousin Julie had folks over for tortilla soup and to watch the Seahawks win (oh well, maybe next time!). I was able to catch up with a few more cousins there. I really do have an amazing and interesting family and I miss them very much! It is always a treat to spend time with you all! Thanks, for such a warm welcome home!
It was hard for everyone to see how healthy I am and believe the battle that is going on inside me. I look pretty healthy and I think if I had all my hair, no one would even guess I am fighting cancer. I tried to emphasize to my relatives, and will repeat it here…I really do think there is a genetic link some where. The tests they ran do not show a link, but that does not mean it isn’t there. They just haven't identified that link yet. It’s hard to believe that I was so healthy; exercising and eating so healthy in recent years. It’s easy to think the cancer might be caused by something I did…but I don’t think so. My moms maternal grandpa and uncle had stomach cancer…both of them…and stomach cancer is pretty unusual! So, I say this not to scare you, but to remind you to mention this to your doctors when you see them, especially if there is weird stomach things going on for you or another odd things you cannot figure out. And, if I find anymore out about a genetic link (because I will continue that search) I’ll be sure to let you know!
I miss KC and all of my relations there! I’ll be thinking of you and counting you as a blessing this holiday season!
Now...back to Seattle and back to cancer. Thursday is my scan and Friday I'll find out the results. Until then, I'm feeling really good so I'm just going to have a great week and then pick up from there on Friday!
Hope it is sunny where you are...it is a beautiful day here!
love to you all
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Kansas City here I come...
I mean, Kansas City here I am!! Just a short post to let you all know I did it, I made it, I am here with my mom, my brothers and many more of my clan! My sweet niece Jennifer picked me up from the airport and escorted me right to my momma! My brother Matthew greeted me with a big hug, my brother Paul joined us for dinner and I am so happy to be here!
The plane was full, no upgrade or special treatment for me...and that was ok, really none was needed, I was fine. I'm so glad I paid extra for a non-stop, the Delta flight I would have caught went through Minneapolis and I understand many flights from there were cancelled. So all is well, the flight was painless. I wore a mask most of the time for my own protection, though I have to say passengers seemed pretty healthy; I was on the lookout for symptoms and a bit of a germ-o-phobe all day. Now I just have to stay bundled up here as it is very, very cold...26 degrees at this point in time.
Good night from the heart of America!
Stay warm!
Love to you all,
The plane was full, no upgrade or special treatment for me...and that was ok, really none was needed, I was fine. I'm so glad I paid extra for a non-stop, the Delta flight I would have caught went through Minneapolis and I understand many flights from there were cancelled. So all is well, the flight was painless. I wore a mask most of the time for my own protection, though I have to say passengers seemed pretty healthy; I was on the lookout for symptoms and a bit of a germ-o-phobe all day. Now I just have to stay bundled up here as it is very, very cold...26 degrees at this point in time.
Good night from the heart of America!
Stay warm!
Love to you all,
Friday, November 7, 2014
Good Morning...travel plans, courage and inspiration...and always gratitude!
Yesterday was a slow day for me. I felt really quite dragged down. I was napping by 9:30 in the morning! But Roz came over after 10 and helped motivate me for a guided visualization and it was lovely. Thank you Roz! You are so healing to me! I did a few chores through the day interspersed with some guided affirmations and then a meditation with my friends Deepok and Oprah!
A week or two ago I got a bug in my ear that I needed to go to KC to see my momma and my people and that I could not wait until April, which is when I’d been planning to go along. So, on Tuesday I asked Dr. Kaplan and he said, Sure! Go eat some ribs! and so…I’m going!
I’m leaving Tuesday Nov. 11 and coming back Sunday the 16th…going solo! Taking a mask, gloves and all kinds of wipes as well as a strong, yet pathetic cancer face and to the desk at the Alaska Airlines gate where I shall ask for an upgrade so I can have fewer germs and more elbow room. But, I’m healthy and strong and the doc gave me the ok! So, I’m packing! And to my KC cousins, try to get some time on Wednesday to meet me at the meeting…you know where and when! I know I can count on Linda…anyone else??? I’d love to see you!
Of course the weather is turning on a dime right about when I get there…they are talking polar air! Oh well, it’s not about the weather!
Now with a trip in the future there are things to do! My hair! What a sight! Originally it was coming out in clumps, then Jennifer buzzed me short and it mostly stopped coming out. I had bald spots and buzz. Then I got off chemo and the bald spots started growing in…baby hair! Now I’m back on chemo and the longer hair is coming out. Yikes! Disaster! I was very brave, on my own, emailed and got an appointment at Coco’s on 35th SW. They were able to get me in at a slow time, yesterday at 4:00. Maekayla was great. She put me at ease right away. Her dad had cancer last year and she shared funny stories about his mullet and keeping his hair tidy during chemo. She used scissors and a comb, just a little shaving on my neck, she was easy to talk with and I’m so glad I went. Now I have a tidy head to wear winter hats upon in Kansas City!
Salmon are Everywhere!
I feel a little salmon obsessed in my life and on this blog, but you know, there is just something about those amazing animals and how they keep intersecting with my life.
When I was in the hospital, Janelle from Pathfinder brought me this lovely book by Mark Nepo The Book of Awakening. One thing I really like about this book is for every day of the year it has just a page or a page and a half that includes a 1-4 line thought/statement/poem, then a paragraph or two about the thought, then finishes up with some guided visualizations or meditations. In the hospital and shortly after I got home I opened the book on a daily basis. Then, as it happens, it got buried and left out of my routine for a while. Just the other day I brought it back out and put it back into a place of prominence. This morning I was flipping through the days I’d missed, mostly scanning until I came upon Oct. 30. And here is some of what it says…
October 30
The Art of Facing Things
What people have forgotten
is what every salmon knows.
—-Robert Clark
Salmon have much to teach us about the art of facing things. In swimming up waterfalls, these remarkable creatures seem to defy gravity. It is an amazing thing to behold. A closer look reveals a wisdom for all beings who want to thrive.
What the salmon somehow know is how to turn their underside—from center to tail—into the powerful current coming at them, which hits them squarely, and the impact then launches them out and further up the waterfall; to which their reaction is, again, to turn the underside back into the powerful current that, of course again hits them squarely; and this successive impact launches them further out and up the waterfall. Their leaning into what they face bounces them further and further along their unlikely journey.
In terms useful to the life of the spirit, the salmon are constantly faithful in exposing their underside to the current coming at them. Mysteriously, it is the physics of this courage that enables them to move through life as they know it so directly. We can learn from this very active paradox; for we, too, must be as faithful to living in the open if we are to stay real in the face of our daily experience. In order not to be swept away by what the days bring, we, too, must find a way to lean into the forces that hit us so squarely.
The salmon offer us a way to face truth without shutting down. They show us how leaning into our experience, though we don’t like the hit, moves us on. Time and again, though we’d rather turn away, it is the impact of being revealed, through our willingness to be vulnerable, that enables us to experience both mystery and grace.
There is more, and I left out some in the middle, but I have to say that really struck me this morning and I made many connections, both in my cancer life and outside of cancer, and I wanted to share it with you!
Thank you, Janelle and thank you Mark Nepo.
Today is a great day! I woke early, helped with breakfast for my worker bees, had a good work out, caught up on the Serial podcast we all listen to around here. Michael and Maggie will both be home this weekend! Life is good…
Lean into the challenges! Thanks you salmon!
Thank you also, Shannon and Naomi for a lovely visit and so much delicious food! It was so great to see you two lovelies!
Love and good health to all of you!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Good Morning...extra long blog entry ahead...
First a little catch up…Mike and I had a mostly mellow weekend with Maggie going to Portland this time. She had a great trip living with her friends and running with Michael and Eva…makes it a little harder each time to move back in with mom and dad…oh well, the laundry fairy lives here (not there) and the price is right! But I get it. I moved back in with my mom and dad to save money for the trip that brought me to Seattle…However, sorry mom, but Mike and I are way more cool than Ken and Jane!!! Ha! just kidding, mom, you are super cool and so was dad!
Friday we had some awesome trick or treaters! Emma had the brilliant idea to trick or treating here so I got to see Emma and Mason and dad Joe (had not seen him since diagnosis!) and the flock of scary creatures they had in their group (sweet little Harley was with them…so good to see her)! Then Genya, Tim, Ian and Noa came by so we got to visit with them for a bit! It was great to have some Pathfinder and some Salmon knocking on the door! All in all we had more trick or treaters than usual, it was quite entertaining. And I can’t leave out our first trick or treater of the night, our baby neighbor June dressed as a June bug!!! So Cute!
Sunday before the rain or the football, we went for a walk through Lincoln Park. We took the high road first to go through the woods…so lovely. Then down the long steep path at the north end so we could walk the beach path next. It was such a great morning, and we were not the only ones with such a great idea! We saw Ginny and Amy (Pathfinder Turtle (and more) moms) and had a nice visit and hug fest! Then on the beach I saw my dear Miles who is now in the 4th grade Eagle Clan. He was with his dad, heading up from the beach. This is one sweet boy, always has been. I got such a dear hug from him. I was asking him about the Eagle Clan and his sister and his mom and he almost cut me off, in the sweetest way, asked, But how are YOU, Janet. So dear! Made my day! It was great to see him and his dad.
After Lincoln Park we walked down to the Fauntleroy Creek look out which is up the steps due east of the ferry dock. Up stream Fauntleroy Creek, through the park on Barton, is where we release our salmon fry every spring. I had recently received an email from Judy (the stream and salmon queen) that there were spawners spotted. So, we had to go see. From the overpass you cannot really see but a peek of the stream as it is overgrown with plants native to the habitat (thanks to Judy). But what was so lovely was the welcome back salmon banners and streamers that I have to assume some class came and put up on the fence. Judy is involved with many schools in West Seattle to help keep the Salmon in the Schools program running. It is so powerful to have salmon eggs hatch in a tank in the center of our building every year, then the kids get watch them, feed them and then release them in the spring! Now, fry that were released a number of years ago are finding their way back…so cool! If you walk down Judy’s driveway she has a white board with information about when she will welcome you into her back yard to see the salmon more closely. If you live in West Seattle, this is definitely a great family field trip! Have to post a couple photos...
The rest of Sunday was football (go hawks!) and cooking. I was feeling pretty good and wanted to get a few things done before chemo week.
Lizzy and June joined us for Sunday dinner (Vince is still in Austin…we miss you Vince!). It was a lovely evening.
Monday…one day til chemo…last day of good energy for a while…so many choices…
New jeans won the battle of what to do with my time. I was desperate for new jeans…strategy Gap first (like the old days) and if that fails, fred meyer on the way home. i knew i couldn’t handle any large dept. stores or thrift stores.
The mall, even with one store in mind is EXHAUSTING!! It had been a while since I’d been inside one…I remember why! But mission accomplished! I tried on more pairs than I wanted to but found one good pair…that is all a girl needs (especially a girl who spends most days and evenings in yoga pants!!)!
I had to go to Fred Meyer anyway and that store is so huge…just another
way too exhausting task…oh well! That was all the energy I had for that day!
Tuesday…chemo day…
So I have a love hate thing with chemo. I love it because according to my last scans it is doing the job! I open my heart and body and self to the chemo. I welcome it in to do the job it needs to do.
As it pours into my body everything just starts feeling weird. I had felt perfectly fine that morning. Good energy, ready to go.
First stop is to draw blood. I had a lovely young woman for that task. We chatted while she prepared the tools for the task of accessing my port. She was done in no time and left my port accessed for treatment.
Next stop, Dr. Kaplan. While we were checking in he was heading out from his office into the lobby and met us with open arms. I gave him a hug, as that is what I do with open arms, and we had a good morning exchange. I was his first patient and he was quite chatty. I really like this guy, he is a good man, for sure! I had more questions than usual, as I’ve spent some time on this computer machine and I’m finding terms and treatments I don’t understand. I asked him and was prepared to ask him to tell us more or to direct us to more information but both Mike and I felt like he gave us full answers. He was open to questions and some discussions. I respect that he is a busy man, I so appreciate this time.
The plan…I have the same chemo cocktail waiting for me as 3 weeks ago. The same as always just leaving off the zeloda (i tremble at the word!!!).
Then Thursday, November 20 I have a scan. November 21 we have an appointment to discuss the scan. Tuesday, November 25 I have chemo scheduled, as usual, but that may change depending on the scan results. November 25 is Thanksgiving week, so I asked if I could move chemo up to the 21st after the scan results, but no, I cannot do it that soon. So if I have chemo, it’s kind of a drag for it to be Thanksgiving week…but I’m grateful that I’ll probably have my full diet (other than gluten) back by then!!! I will be able to sit and eat small bits throughout the day and have a very good excuse to sit back and watch the show. And I do mean a show. Thanksgiving with Mike’s family this year is looking to be a minimum 35-40 and could be more! I’ll find a tiny corner, not too far from the food or the action, and just enjoy!!
We met with Mary, one of our dietitians yesterday during chemo. She is very sweet and knowledgeable. We added plenty of new things to my diet, though it is best if I just add one new thing a day, so I can make sure there is nothing my gut is finding too irritable. But, I really think I’m over that struggle. My system is doing quite well, thank you! But I continue to be cautious and follow her rules. I err on the side of careful! Right now I can have most veggies cooked (no broc, cauliflower, cabbage or the like), no raw veggies (so no salads yet). But I can have cooked greens! I can have most fruits peeled, without seeds. I can add a little spice and I can have corn tortillas, so egg tacos are in my future!!! I continue to limit dairy and I continue to be gluten free, though sometime, maybe after thanksgiving, I’ll give gluten a little try. I could eat wheat prior to all this, though, I know full well, it would make me bloated and uncomfortable if I ate more than a bit of it. But, I could eat it fine…so I shall eat it in bits of moderation in my future! I am sure. Pizza and wine are in my future, though just a tiny bit of each!!
During and post chemo my most prominent side affects include fatigue (I almost napped during chemo and stayed on the couch all night!), and the tingling in my feet and hands and my strong aversion to stepping on or touching anything cold or even just cool. This starts happening mid-chemo, this time I remembered to bring gloves with me for the trip home. I also have a gravel thing going in my eyes and throat. My throat hurts a bit and my eyes feel swollen and if I cry, it is quite uncomfortable. (Note to self…don’t open cards from sweet people when you get home from chemo…Melissa, so good to hear from you…so sweet! I loved your thoughts, wishes and memories and it was worth a couple minutes of owie eyes!! And, I miss you too!) And then there is the buzz that starts…I feel it coursing through my body, a little electric tingle. I try to focus on the positive…that is the medicine working. The electric buzz is just starting to buzz. I also got the bonus shot at the end of chemo that boosts your white blood count and makes your bones ache…not really feeling that too bad yet, though I did take the claritan that is supposed to help with that pain. So all in all I’m doing ok.
During and post chemo my most prominent side affects include fatigue (I almost napped during chemo and stayed on the couch all night!), and the tingling in my feet and hands and my strong aversion to stepping on or touching anything cold or even just cool. This starts happening mid-chemo, this time I remembered to bring gloves with me for the trip home. I also have a gravel thing going in my eyes and throat. My throat hurts a bit and my eyes feel swollen and if I cry, it is quite uncomfortable. (Note to self…don’t open cards from sweet people when you get home from chemo…Melissa, so good to hear from you…so sweet! I loved your thoughts, wishes and memories and it was worth a couple minutes of owie eyes!! And, I miss you too!) And then there is the buzz that starts…I feel it coursing through my body, a little electric tingle. I try to focus on the positive…that is the medicine working. The electric buzz is just starting to buzz. I also got the bonus shot at the end of chemo that boosts your white blood count and makes your bones ache…not really feeling that too bad yet, though I did take the claritan that is supposed to help with that pain. So all in all I’m doing ok.
Here is a bit more for those who do not mind a little TMI about hormones and women. I assume most of you reading this far don’t mind a little TMI or you’d have stopped reading my blog long ago…any way…here we go…TMI ahead…
Shockingly, up until cancer, at the young age of 58 I was still having my periods (I warned you…TMI). Cancer seems to have taken care of this issue for me…but now, all of a sudden I am thrown into menopause and I’m having hot flashes. So here I sit, unable to touch any part of my body with cold or even coolness and then I’m suddenly sweating bullets… I just have to laugh. But like I told Betty last night I have the luxury of pulling off my socks and pulling up the bottoms of my yoga pants to my knees any time I want. I now understand ladies, when you’d run over to my classroom window and fling it open while the rest of us were bundled up! It all makes sense to me now!
TMI is done!
OK, I’m pooped and I hear my couch calling my name. So sorry for the extra long babble!!
Thank you all for the continued love that keeps coming our way in so many different ways. I feel held up by all of you. And I am so grateful for each of you.
Love and Peace and Good Health to you all
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