Another cold :-(
It just seems like a pattern…chemo and a week later I get a cold. I felt so great last Tuesday and luckily I enjoyed that; didn’t take it for granted! Wednesday it started to creep in and then it just got worse. Mike got it this time, he’s dodged every other cold I’ve carried around. So we had a lay low weekend just trying to get through it, get over it and be done with it. Well, we’re not quite done with it…but fingers crossed this one doesn’t last as long!
This weekend Michael and Eva are coming to visit. We’re hoping to spend some time in Fremont with Maggie. Maggie is adjusting quite easily, I think, to her new world. She rides her bike to work on nice days, just a 20 minute ride. That is a far cry better than the hour each way on the bus she had from home. We see her on Thursday night, when we do Pilates together and on Saturday she comes to West Seattle to do her laundry here and her Saturday morning work with Ian. She is happy…momma is happy!
And more good news; Michael and Eva are planning to move up here together this summer, July or August. We are super excited to have them here! Now that Maggie and cousin Lillie live in Fremont, that is where they will be looking, and who can blame them! Michael is staying with his job for a while, but planning to move on. It has been a fabulous job for him but he realizes he really does want to be a firefighter and is moving up here to start putting those pieces in place. To become a firefighter in Seattle is very competitive. It is a long process with many stages and with many, many more applicants than positions. He is planning to work a couple of jobs next year, go to North Seattle Community College for his EMT training and begin the application process. I’ll keep you posted.
Eva will also be looking for work. Michael says her current place will not want to see her go, so she may end up staying down there an extra month or so. I’m not sure what she is going to be looking for, she has mentioned working for unions, her internship was with the NLRB and she liked that work. When I know more I’ll post it here and maybe there is someone out there with some ideas for her.
The nest is empty (except for Wilson, of course) but they are all going to be nearby! That makes my heart sing!
Betty is doing well and is taking steps to reduce stress and get lower her blood pressure.
She is taking walks on her lunch break, doing a little meditation, NOT working on the weekends, taking some vacation days this week…it’s all good and getting better!
Next week Mike is on Spring Break. We are heading up to the tulips and staying one night in LaConner. We are taking our bikes, of course, and hoping for sunshine and enough good health and energy to get in a little bike ride. It’s nice and flat up there, so if the weather is good, I should be able to ride! Haven’t been on my bike since our ride in July before I started chemo. I love bike riding in the Skagit Valley and can’t wait!
A day after we get back from that overnight all four of us head to KC for 4 nights. A quick trip but with Mike and Maggie’s spring breaks on different weeks we had to compromise and make the trip compact and efficient. We have a pizza party planned at Minsky's for Friday night, all relatives invited (I have a lot of cousins and they have a lot of kids! Hope you all can make it!!). Then Saturday morning it is bowling with Matthew and then BBQ lunch at BB’s Lawnside. We’ll be packing in as much BBQ and family time that is possible in 4 days!
Because this trip was planned I get an extra week between chemo so I should be healthy and feeling good in KC! The day after we get back I go to chemo…potentially my last one! Amen to that…
So, other then colds and in spite of cancer, we are doing well.
Love to you all,
Happy Spring!